Sunday, August 24, 2014

Cracked Coconut

Her fist came down like a five-fingered hammer, centered on my skull. I followed suit shortly, face hitting the floor. My vision exploded in the kind of colors you'd see on the Fourth of July, reds and blues that threatened to go black. I shook my head. Going unconscious would be too easy.

I couldn't afford easy right now. She stepped forward, heavy feet dragging along the floorboards. The fact that my head was in one piece was a miracle. If ol' Gertie took the wrong step, I'd have one cracked coconut.

I figured it was about time to keep out of her way.

That little scene there is just something tossed out of my head. I really need to use that in one of the books, sometime. "Five-fingered hammer." Shit. That one is gold. I dunno how I feel about Johnny calling his head a "coconut," but my friend Trish used it, and I think it kinda fits the noir style of the books.

Writing's going well. I'm nearly done completing the first draft of the second book. Jennifer's hard at work looking over my manuscript, and helping me get that polish ready. A friend of mine, Joe Kawano, was kind enough to do an interview with me. Hopefully it'll pop up sometime on his Launch Your Universe Youtube show ( shameless plug: ).

I'm keeping my impatience reigned in for the moment. There's always the desire to run fast and far. I need to breathe in and take one day at a time. Crawl before you walk, right?

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