Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Agent. Now What?


I got an agent.

How about that.

It's what I've bled for, I've aspired for, pushed myself countless days, and long hours to get to.

I don't think I ever thought I'd actually get to this point. I felt my work was strong, my skill was good, but would others? After all, most don't make it here. Agents are said to be gatekeepers, and it's not just an idle title. If you're going to make a career out of writing, you need to make it past them. If what you do doesn't catch their eye... Well, that's the end before the beginning, isn't it?

But I caught her eye. I made it. And with a little hope, and her help, I'll make it further. Past the editor, past the readers, to that something I'd like to call a "career." I've taken just the first step on a long road.

I hope you all are ready to walk with me.

He smiled. It had been a long time since he last had. Really, he hadn't smiled, grinned, or even smirked in ages. But the future looked bright and for once, his shoulders felt light. Maybe everything was changing for the better. Maybe he could finally lift his head up and be proud.

He never did see the anvil falling from overhead.

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